Dry Cleaning

Laundry VS Dry Cleaning Services In Singapore

By |2019-05-26T18:05:04+08:00April 18th, 2018|Dry Cleaning, General, Laundry|

Need clean clothes? Do you know what’s the difference between laundry and dry cleaning? Both laundry washing and dry cleaning are targeted at removing stains. However, as the very names suggest, laundering involves conventional cleaning of clothes with water, detergent, and softener, while dry cleaning refers to cleaning using solvent without the use of [...]

Cheap Laundry Service Singapore

By |2019-05-26T18:05:04+08:00April 16th, 2018|delivery, Dry Cleaning, General, Laundry|

The standard of living in Singapore is understandably expensive but that doesn't mean that you could not get good value out of your laundry services. When it comes to quality, that can also be challenging in your search because you want it to be as perfect as it can be. Plus, you want it [...]

Mould Removal Service Singapore

By |2021-02-19T10:22:53+08:00November 8th, 2017|Dry Cleaning, Laundry|

Sometime when you forget to remove your clothes from the washing machine you could face mould problems, this can become a problem for some. If you do not know how to deal with the situation. Here in this article you can find ways to deal with the problems you face when it comes to [...]


By |2023-09-11T15:17:36+08:00October 26th, 2017|delivery, Dry Cleaning, Home & Textile|

每年一次或一年两次的窗帘干洗必是您所需要的服务。想要简易的服务,和全岛一站式的收送,Reward Laundry 能够提供您专业的拆装窗帘服务。我们拥有庞大的团队来满足您不同的需求。我们的专业员工能到您府上收送窗帘, 现场为您的窗帘称重。我们建议所有的窗帘采用干洗服务,以免导致缩水问题。凡消费满$80(衣物),$100(窗帘)以上就能享有免费收送。现在就拨打我们的热线预约。我们能干洗各种类的窗帘,欢迎您致电询问。 专业团队 窗帘拆装服务 超过7年专业经验 窗帘种类 水洗 干洗 白天式窗帘 $12/片起 $18/片起 夜式窗帘 $7/公斤(KG) $8/公斤(KG) 夜式窗帘(拆装) N/A $12/公斤(KG) 全暗窗帘 N/A $10/公斤(KG) 全暗窗帘(拆装) N/A $14/公斤(KG) 罗马式窗帘(拆装) N/A $3.50/方尺(sqf) 现场清洗窗帘 N/A 拨打热线 65344843 特别注意事项 如果您选择自行拆装窗帘,请保存所有挂钩。本公司只负责干洗布料部分。 一般窗帘干洗服务需要4-5工作天。加快服务需要额外收费。 请告知我们的员工窗帘污渍处,方便工作人员检验和记录。 您可加入我们的终身会员以享有更多折扣。 [...]

7 Tips On How To Care For Your Wedding Gown

By |2020-01-17T12:36:55+08:00October 26th, 2017|Dry Cleaning, Wedding Preservation|

Your wedding gown is definitely one of your most valuable clothes not only because of its cost but because of the memories attached to it. A lot of ladies have ruined their wedding dress because of one or two little mistakes. To avoid such, here are 7 great [...]


By |2023-09-11T11:28:56+08:00September 16th, 2017|delivery, Dry Cleaning, General, Laundry|

星加坡专业干洗收送服务,拥有超过10年经验, 最大收送团队。多年来我们服务超过5万户家顾客,提供一站式干洗,洗衣服务。是您值得信赖的洗衣伙伴。 拨打我们的热线,友善的客户人员将会依据您的需要,安排收送流程。 专业的收送团队,星加坡全岛收送。确保您的衣物准时送到。 保证满意的服务,让您能够轻松享受生活的美好。 服务种类 我们的环保洗条技术能够干洗,水洗各类衣物,床单,地毯。再加上隔离试干洗,使病毒不会交叉感染,一切都是为了带给您更卫生的服务。 全面家居洗护,沙发套,地毯,床单,窗帘,一站式拆装收送。让您高枕无忧享受轻松的时光。 专业婚纱清洗,护理,修补,保存服务。根据礼服的材质、饰物和各种污迹,定制专门的清洗程序。定制婚纱保存盒,10年以上保存。 微信我们 随着国人对优质干洗服务需求的提升, Reward Laundry 近年来也快速成长,提供高品质的流程方案,满足客户需求。感谢客户的支持,让我们成为最快速成长洗衣公司之一。 我们的总店坐落在新加坡金融中心,政府大厦地铁旁,服务来自世界各地的旅客和本地顾客。今天就致电体验我们非凡的服务品质。从拨打热线或网上预约,到登门到府,我们的团队提供一致性的服务品质,利用最新科技来提高效率,绝对是您的最佳选择。 [...]


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